09-12: Support of the Bureau of Land Management’s Record of Decision and Approved Resource Management Plan for the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument

year passed

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Montana Association of Conservation Districts stand in support of the BLM’s Record of Decision and Approved Resource Management Plan for the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument and vocalize this support through a variety of means, including letters to Montana’s Congressional delegation, Governor, state legislators, and federal agencies as appropriate; press releases; lobbying efforts; and any other appropriate venue.

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09-11: Cooperation With Montana Association of Realtors

year passed

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that MACD work with the Montana Association of Realtors to include a disclosure outlining the 310 law and riparian protection in the model Buy/Sell Agreement.

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09-10: Fuels Reduction Projects On Federal Forest Lands

year passed

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Montana Association of Conservation Districts at its November 19, 2009 annual meeting shall support common sense conservation measures by Federal agencies in their efforts to initiate fuels reduction projects (and/or encourage such measures) that utilize a variety of methods such as hand thinning, commercial thinning, and planned fires.

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09-08: Montana Monitoring Funding

year passed

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Montana Association of Conservation Districts aggressively pursues additional funding to support existing Montana USGS gauging stations and additional funding for the expansion of the Montana monitoring program.

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09-07: Opposing Efforts To Create A Multi-Million Acre Wildlife Reserve With Bison In North Central Montana

year passed

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Montana Association of Conservation Districts pursues and supports a temporary moratorium on the conversion of State and Federal grazing leases from cattle to bison; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that based on a study and assessment, a uniform guidance be developed on how to proceed with bison restoration efforts and grazing conversions in Montana.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Montana Association of Conservation Districts stands opposed to the conversion of millions of acres in north central Montana to a wildlife reserve with bison until a study of the social acceptability and an assessment that studies the cumulative impacts of a multi-million acre wildlife reserve on the natural resources, economy, and communities are completed.

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09-06: Declaring the Month of June “Rangeland Awareness Month”

year passed

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the month of June be designated Rangeland Awareness Month.

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09-05: Supporting Off-Stream Water Storage

year passed

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the MACD will support and encourage Districts in any possible off-stream storage projects in this area.

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the MACD will do all in its power to encourage state agencies and state government to help with funding of such projects.

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09-04: Government Programs

year passed

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Montana Association of Conservation Districts take the necessary measures to ensure our USDA Programs continue and address the needs of the producer/landowner in limiting how much personal information is needed for USDA Programs and end the repeated information process when applying for one/all Conservation Program(s).

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09-02: Opposition to S.787, Clean Water Restoration Act

year passed

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Clean Water Act will remain as is with the term Navigable waters.

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09-01: Allowing practice payments on watering facilities in cropland through the Natural Resource Conservation Service Programs

year passed

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Montana Association of Conservation Districts (MACD) work with the Natural Resources Conservation Service to develop specifications and policy within the scope of the FOTG that will allow NRCS planners with appropriate job approval to plan and allow the cost sharing of these practices on cropland when there is a natural resource benefit to do so.

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