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About the Montana Association of Conservation Districts (MACD)

For more than 75 years, the Montana Association of Conservation Districts has been contributing to the success of districts across Montana. Created in 1942, MACD is a private nonprofit association, governed by a statewide Board of Directors, who simultaneously serve as district supervisors in their own districts. In order to carry out the specific directives of the Board, MACD maintains an office and small staff in Helena. Nationally, MACD works with the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) to advocate for sound conservation policies and actions by federal agencies and Congress.

Our Mission

To support Montana’s conservation districts in promoting and maintaining a landscape where soil, water, and other natural resources are conserved and utilized for the benefit of all Montanans in cooperation with landowners, state and federal agencies, and other partners.

Our Vision

With our members and partners, establish conservation districts as the lead voice for locally-led natural resource conservation in Montana.

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