About CD Area Meetings
Each fall, MACD attends meetings for each of Montana’s six Conservation District Areas. At these meetings, neighboring conservation districts, MACD area directors, staff, and partners get together to discuss issues facing their areas, programs the districts are implementing, proposed resolutions, election of MACD Area Directors, and more. Area Meetings are annually scheduled for the last week of September and first week of October.
For Partners
We look forward to seeing you at the 2024 area meetings! Travel details and room block information is below.
Resources for Districts
Districts are asked to create reports each year ahead of MACD’s area meetings. These reports are a valuable tool to help communicate your district’s accomplishments to partners, legislators, and members of your community.
This year, we are asking districts to try out a template for these reports. This template is designed to help you put together a report that is visually appealing, concise, and interesting. It is available to districts on Canva and as a downloadable Word document, or districts can submit information through a Jotform for direct formatting assistance from MACD. Please note that this is a guide and not a required format – feel free to make adjustments, add/remove sections, and be creative to make sure your district’s unique accomplishments shine through!
Resources for Hosts
- Area Meeting Guide
- Sample Agenda
- Sturgis Nomination Guidance
- Resolution and Election Voting Guidance
- List of state partners to invite (not exhaustive, please see Area Meeting Guide for further recommendations)
Please also refer to the Area Hosts Binder and the shared Area Hosts Google Drive.
Resolutions for consideration at 2024 Area Meetings:
Conservation District | Area | Subcommittee | Title |
McCone CD | 1 | National | NACD encourages NRCS to return some hiring responsibilities back to individual states |
Gallatin CD | 6 | Soil and Land Use | Support Reducing the Use of Neonicotinoids in Montana |
Richland CD | 2 | Water Resources | Managed Aquifer Recharge Potential in Montana |
Sheridan CD | 1 | Soil and Land Use | MTDOT/BNSF Invasive Species Cooperation |
For information on the Resolution process, view the Resolution and Committee Process document. Past resolutions are available in the Resolutions Library.
Meeting Information

Area 6
September 24
Hosting: Lewis & Clark Conservation District
Administrator: Chris Evans (chris@lewisandclarkcd.org)
Time: 9:00am – 1:00pm (registration begins at 8:30am)
Location: Exhibit Building Entryway at the Lewis & Clark Fairgrounds, 98 West Custer Ave, Helena, MT 59601
Agenda, Registration, and Directions: Download meeting packet (online registration is also available here)
Virtual Attendance: Register for Zoom here

Area 3
September 25
Hosting: Toole County Conservation District
Administrator: Cindy Florez (toolecounty59474cdf@gmail.com)
Time: 9:00am – 3:30pm (registration begins at 8:30am)
Location: Sunburst Community Center, 314 1st St. N., Sunburst, Montana 59482
Agenda: Area 3 Meeting Agenda
Invitation: Area 3 Invitation Letter
Registration: Area 3 Registration Form
Virtual Attendance: Register for Zoom here

Area 5
September 26
Hosting: Green Mountain Conservation District
Administrator: Morgan Owens (gmcd@macdnet.org)
Time: 9:00am – 3:15pm (registration begins at 8:30am)
Location: Lakeside Motel, 2955 MT HWY 200, Trout Creek, Montana
Agenda: Area 5 Meeting Agenda
Registration: Area 5 Registration
Virtual Attendance: Register for Zoom here

Area 1
October 1
Hosting: Roosevelt Conservation District
Administrator: Robbie Savelkoul (rccd17@gmail.com)
Time: 9:30am – 3:30pm (registration begins at 9)
Location: Culbertson Saddle Club, 5796 Highway 16, Culbertson, Montana 59218
Agenda: Area 1 Meeting Agenda
Invitation: Area 1 Invitation Letter
Registration: Area 1 Registration Form, Online Registration here
Virtual Registration: Register for Zoom here

Area 2
October 02
Hosting: Wibaux Conservation District
Administrator: Amanda Beard (wibauxcd@gmail.com)
Time: 9:00am – 3:00pm (registration begins at 8:30am)
Location: Wibaux County Fairgrounds, 7901 MT-7, Wibaux, MT 59353
Agenda: Area 2 Meeting Agenda
Registration: Online Registration here
Virtual Attendance: Register for Zoom here

Area 4
October 03
Hosting: Stillwater Conservation District
Administrator: Sharon Flemetis (sharon.flemetis@mt.nacdnet.net)
Time: 9:00am – 3:00pm (registration begins at 8:30am)
Location: Stillwater County Civic Center and Fairgrounds, 16 Sheep Dip Rd, Columbus, MT 59019
Agenda: Area 4 Meeting Agenda
Registration: Area 4 Registration Form
Virtual Attendance: Register for Zoom here
Each Area will have at least one board seat up for election. All terms are 3 years unless otherwise noted.
More information about MACD Board Openings and the election process
Board Seats up for Election in Fall 2024:
Area |
Current Board Member |
Term |
Intending to run? |
1 | Dean Rogge (Garfield) | 2024-2027 | Yes |
2 | Ted Woods (Wibaux) (had filled remainder of Bob Peterman’s term) | 2024-2027 | Yes |
3 | Steve Hertel (Fergus) | 2024-2027 | Yes |
4 | Steve Schanaman (Big Horn) | 2024-2027 | Yes |
4 | Vacancy – previously Steve Tyrrel’s seat (through 2025) | 2022-2025 | Vacant |
5 | Jim Simpson (retiring at the end of 2024) | 2024-2027 | Not running |
5 | Vacancy (through 2026) | 2023-2026 | Vacant |
6 | Mike Hansen | 2024-2027 | Not running |
Info Sessions on MACD Board Positions (approx. 15-30 mins max)
For those who would like more information or have questions about serving on the MACD Board, we will be hosting several informational zoom meetings. Plan to attend the one that fits your schedule or if you are not able to attend, please let MACD President Dean Rogge (roggedean@gmail.com), MACD VP Steve Hertel (stevehertel30@gmail.com), Rebecca Boslough-King (rebecca@macdnet.org 443-5711 ext2), or one of your Area Reps know and we can schedule a call.
- Thursday, September 12th at 7am
- Thursday September 12th at 5pm
- Monday September 16th at 12pm
Please use the same zoom info for all three meetings