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2024 Stewardship Week

April 28 - May 5, 2023

May the Forest Be with You, Always

What is Stewardship Week?

NACD Stewardship Week is one of the largest national programs to promote natural resource conservation. Celebrated annually since 1955 between the last Sunday in April and the first Sunday in May, NACD Stewardship Week reminds us of our individual responsibilities to care for natural resources.

Poster Contest

As part of Stewardship Week, the MACD Education committee is running a state-level call for poster submissions. This competition is part of NACD’s National Poster Contest. The top posters in Montana will be entered into NACD’s national poster competition alongside posters from conservation districts across the country. Winners will be announced during NACD’s Annual Meeting in February 2025.

Outreach Resources

NACD Stewardship Week Toolkit

This toolkit will help you plan an exciting week of activities for K-8 youth in your community. Highlights from this toolkit includes:


Print and Education Materials

Collection of educational materials, print items, posters, stickers, etc… that can be either downloaded for free, or purchased through the NACD online store.

MACD 2024 Poster Contest Template

Use the MACD template to help spread the word about the contest in your local area..

MACD Design Resources

This toolkit will help you plan an exciting week of activities for K-8 youth in your community. Highlights from this toolkit includes:

CD Outreach Campaign Assets for Social Media

Communications Toolkit: Canva Resources
Login with your WordPress Account or with any of the shared accounts in District Dispatch

Communications Toolkit: Photos and Graphics
Login with your WordPress Account or with any of the shared accounts in District Dispatch

Ideas for Programming and Outreach

To support a memorable celebration of this year’s Stewardship Week, below are some examples of methods to engage your community in Stewardship Week:

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