23-03: Irrigator Water Rights
That MACD will work towards a process that would allow Montana’s Conservation Districts to transfer reserved surface water rights to regular Montana State water rights once a project is complete and water has been put to beneficial use if the district chooses.
Read full resolution16-04: Continued Funding for CBMPA Program
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Montana Association of Conservation Districts approach the next Montana Legislature to request continued funding for the CBMPP for program management, water sampling, and reimbursement to landowners for approved claims.
Read full resolution16-03: Retaining the CBMPA Legislation
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Montana Association of Conservation Districts work with DNRC and the state legislature to assure that the Coal Bed Methane Protection Act is retained as state law in order to maintain the future option of providing a mechanism to reimburse landowners with approved claims.
Read full resolution13-10: Conservation District Group Benefit Plan
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Montana Association of Conservation District, in consultation with the Conservation Districts Bureau, Conservation & Resource Development Division, Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, develop legislation for the 2015 legislative assembly to adopt a specific law for codification in Title 15, chapter 10, part 4 and Title 76, chapter 15, Montana Code Annotated, to provide permanent funding of a group benefit plan for all conservation district employees by means of the conservation district’s annual regular levy.
Read full resolution13-04: Increase Competitive Bidding Limitation on Conservation District Projects
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Montana Association of Conservation Districts sponsor a bill in the 2015 Montana Legislature to amend Montana Law to establish a minimum dollar amount exemption in the competitive bidding process for conservation districts consistent with the amount established for municipal governments.
Read full resolution12-03: Supporting CD-based River Councils & Watershed Groups in Montana
Provide direct fundraising support specifically targeting CD-based watershed groups and river councils in Montana.
Develop and secure technical assistance program funding from DNRC that can be used by Conservation Districts to keep local watershed groups and river councils operational.
Make DNRC technical assistance program funding for CD-based watershed groups and river councils a priority item on MACD’s Montana legislative agenda.
11-07: Conservation Districts and NRCS Office Space Resolution
WHEREAS, for more than 75 years the United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service(NRCS), and local government Conservation Districts have worked as partners to conserve and protect the…
Read full resolution10-04: Cans & Bottles Deposit Law
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Montana Association of Conservation Districts work with the Legislature to encourage the adoption of a beverage deposit law to ensure the beauty of our unique pristine environment.
Read full resolution09-12: Support of the Bureau of Land Management’s Record of Decision and Approved Resource Management Plan for the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Montana Association of Conservation Districts stand in support of the BLM’s Record of Decision and Approved Resource Management Plan for the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument and vocalize this support through a variety of means, including letters to Montana’s Congressional delegation, Governor, state legislators, and federal agencies as appropriate; press releases; lobbying efforts; and any other appropriate venue.
Read full resolution09-10: Fuels Reduction Projects On Federal Forest Lands
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Montana Association of Conservation Districts at its November 19, 2009 annual meeting shall support common sense conservation measures by Federal agencies in their efforts to initiate fuels reduction projects (and/or encourage such measures) that utilize a variety of methods such as hand thinning, commercial thinning, and planned fires.
Read full resolution08-07: Readopt Resolution 22 From 1989
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that MACD readopts resolution twenty-two from 1989, only changing Department of State Lands to Department of Natural Resources and Conservation.
Read full resolution08-02: Operational Funding For Conservation Districts
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that conservation districts unite to address this critical funding issue, create a commission/committee/task force of district representatives from across the state who shall be empowered to work with a variety of individual, agency and organizational staff, along with MACD to research the funding problems of the Montana districts and study the operational and funding sources of districts in other states across the United States. The committee shall be instructed to develop a goal-oriented plan highlighting ideas/strategies to re-organize and re-fund districts (including legislatively) in Montana in such a way as to provide a basic operational foundation for each district, and more equilateral distribution of funding so as to be able to employ qualified, long-term staff, offer realistic wages and benefits and attract people whose interest and hearts are devoted to the ideals of the conservation movement.
Read full resolution07-04: Continued Funding for MSU Programs
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Montana Association of Conservation Districts, along with the Rangeland Resources Executive Committee support the continued funding of the Undaunted Stewardship Program, Montana Sheep Institute and the Skeen Institute are essential programs to the state of Montana, which assist ranchers in improving management practices and innovative ideas in agriculture.
Read full resolution07-02: Support for Keeping Treasure & Sanders County FSA Office
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Montana Association of Conservation Districts (MACD) engage the assistance of the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) and actively join in the effort to keep the Treasure & Sanders County FSA office open for service to the producers and to the community.
Read full resolution06-08: Conservation District Associate Supervisor Representation on Planning Boards
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Montana Association of Conservation Districts research and move forward in proposing legislation to change the law to allow the Conservation Districts the authority to appoint an associate supervisor to serve in the same capacity as a supervisor on planning boards which conservation districts are authorized to participate on.
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