19-06: Requesting the BLM Deny the American Prairie Reserve Proposal to Remove Interior Fences and Graze Bison/Buffalo Year Round
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Montana Association of Conservation Districts (MACD) strongly opposes the APR’s request to ignore over 80 years of proven grazing management success and their proposal to implement practices that have been proven to be disastrous to the natural resources; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the MACD requests the BLM to protect the soil, water, economy and livelihoods in our districts by conducting an EIS that will address the concerns of our constituents.
Read full resolution19-05: Requesting the BLM Complete an Environmental Assessment or an Environmental Impact Statement Concerning Its Filing on Pre-Existing Water Rights
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Montana Association of Conservation Districts considers the filing of water rights by the BLM to be a major agency action that meets the requirements spelled out in NEPA and FLPMA and demand the BLM initiate the review process.
Read full resolution09-12: Support of the Bureau of Land Management’s Record of Decision and Approved Resource Management Plan for the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Montana Association of Conservation Districts stand in support of the BLM’s Record of Decision and Approved Resource Management Plan for the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument and vocalize this support through a variety of means, including letters to Montana’s Congressional delegation, Governor, state legislators, and federal agencies as appropriate; press releases; lobbying efforts; and any other appropriate venue.
Read full resolution