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NRCS Covid-19 Guidance

NRCS Montana has received update guidance related to COVID-19

  1. Testing programs are no longer being implemented
  2. Agencies will stop requiring proof of vaccination and collection of vaccine information of employees, visitors, and contractors.
  3. Staffing numbers will no longer be tracked or reduced, with the exception of “severe” localized outbreaks.  We are seeking further information on what that means, but staffing levels should be assumed to be 100% from here on out.
  4. CD meetings during business hours are allowed.
  5. Masking requirements are still being employed in USDA facilities based on community levels (see info below). 

The masking levels are fluid and change on a weekly basis.  Please communicate with your local District Conservationist for information about the current situation in your county as they will have the most up to date information for the operating posture that week. 

The CDC Community Conditions guide mask wearing as follows:

  • Low and Medium: No masks are required, but employees, customers and visitors are welcome to continue wearing a mask if they choose.
  • High: Masks are required at all times in USDA facilities and vehicles, including CD meetings

CDC COVID-19 Community Levels

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