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The Governors Office of Community Service is Conducting Community Assessment Needs

The Governors Office of Community Service is Conducting Community Assessment Needs

The Governor’s Office of Community Service (ServeMontana) works to expand national service and promote community volunteerism to support critical needs in communities across our great state. ServeMontana needs your help getting a Community Needs Assessment to as many Montanans as possible. The online assessment solicits input on where AmeriCorps service is most needed and can have the most impact; it is quick, anonymous, and accessible:

Community Needs Assessment Survey

Please consider taking the following actions as soon as you are able:

  • Take the assessment yourself, then share it far and wide with your network, volunteers, friends, families, and others in your community – especially those you serve. The voices of our most vulnerable neighbors are the ones we need to hear the loudest.
  • If Facebook or Instagram are easier, visit ServeMontana and take the Assessment and then share on your page.
  • Share the attached one pager online and post it publicly at your office and local community boards. We would love to hear from as many people of all ages across Montana as possible between now and the end of July.

ServeMontana will use this important input to develop the 2025-2027 State Service Plan, ensuring Montana’s national service resources are positioned to meet the most pressing needs in the Big Sky State. To request a paper copy or to ask any questions, please reach out to us at or (406) 444-9077.

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