15-03: Use Local Ecological Knowledge to Incorporate Predation Concerns Into Ecological Restoration for Endangered Species

year passed

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that MACD work with Montana Sage Grouse Oversight Team (MSGOT) to address predators as listed above as a component that needs better understanding and be included in restoration efforts, as well as control efforts if needed.

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that MACD promote the use of “local ecological knowledge” in addressing the impacts to Sage grouse populations.

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that MACD encourage the MSGOT and other agencies to address all impacts to Sage grouse populations.

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15-02: Clarification and coordination of outreach regarding Board of Oil and Gas Form 22

year passed

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Montana Association of Conservation Districts work with the Montana Board of Oil & Gas Conservation to amend the wording on the Board of Oil & Gas Conservation Form 22, Supplemental Information # 6, to strike the phrase “stream crossing permit” and insert the phrase “310 Permit” to better inform an operator that a 310 permit covers projects in addition to stream crossings; and should contact the local conservation district in order for the district to determine if a 310 permit is required.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Montana Association of Conservation Districts request the Montana Board of Oil & Gas Conservation to encourage operators prior to filling out the Board of Oil & Gas Conservation Form 22, to meet with the local conservation districts to determine the extent of the local conservation district’s jurisdiction over well pads under the 310 Law.

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15-01: Clarification and coordination of 310 and floodplain permitting

year passed

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Montana Association of Conservation Districts (MACD) work with DNRC to develop an amendment to the floodplain rules allowing an exemption from engineering requirements for such stabilization projects.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that MACD work with DNRC to provide outreach to floodplain administrators and conservation districts about the appropriate timing of the permitting process.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that MACD work with DNRC to find solutions to the engineering requirements and permitting delays.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, if deemed necessary, MACD pursue legislative action to change floodplain statutes to address these concerns.

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