21-05: Resolution Opposing the Federal Government’s “30×30” Land Preservation Goal

year passed

AMENDED WHEREAS The Montana Conservation Districts are mandated by statute (75-15-102 MCA) to protect the soils, water, citizens, and economic base of Montana; and WHEREAS, Montana is a large state…

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14-02: Oppose Continuous Grazing on Federal Lands

year passed

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Montana Association of Conservation Districts is to contact the Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management, to oppose continuous year- round grazing permits on native range lands in Montana.

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that continuous year-round grazing should not occur on BLM lands with the exception of smaller unfenced parcels that are managed accordingly by the permit holder.

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12-06: Zero Net Growth of Public Lands

year passed

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Montana Association of Conservation Districts supports zero net growth of public lands in Montana.

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11-05: Land & Water Conservation Fund

year passed

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Conservation Districts of Montana oppose funding of the Land and Water Conservation Fund for land acquisition and that the fund is used for maintenance.

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11-04: US Fish and Wildlife Service Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge Reservoir Removal Plan

year passed

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Conservation Districts of Montana oppose the removal of any reservoirs on the US Fish and Wildlife Service Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge.

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11-02: Wild Horse & Burro Introduction

year passed

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that existing wild horse herds be confined and managed at their current locations, and

THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Conservation Districts of Montana stand opposed to the introduction of any new population of wild horses and burros in Montana.

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10-01: Protection of Private Property Rights

year passed

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Montana Association of Conservation Districts (MACD) formally requests that federal, state and local agencies that control and manage public lands do so in a manner that protects the resource base and property rights of adjacent private lands utilizing the experience and knowledge of local land owners, conservation districts, and other local agency range management specialists.

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06-10: Request the United States Congress to Remove Hidden Pasture Creek Wilderness Study Areas from Wilderness Study Designation

year passed

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Montana Association of Conservation Districts be in favor of and pledge its support for these groups requesting, during the next session of the United States Congress, that the Hidden Pasture Creek WSA number MT-076-022 be removed from any further wilderness study designation.

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