The 2025 Legislative Session commences January 6. In preparation for session and by request of…
CD Funding Update
SB 28 (Marijuana Tax Funding) had a hearing on 2/13 and is awaiting Executive Action. Potential amendments are forthcoming.
Section C – CD Budget: There was Executive Action on 2/17. Following guidance from the Budget Director’s Office, Section C approved an appropriate of +$750k in FY 2024 and +$1.5 million in FY 2025 (increased from current levels).
HB 321 (CD Coal Trust Funding) passed the House Taxation Committee Unanimously and passed the Second Reading in the House 83-17. HB 321 was then sent to House Appropriations, where it was tabled 14-9. This bill is not dead, however, action will need to be taken by the Appropriations Committee or from the House Floor to bring this bill forward.
There is broad support for CD Funding at the Montana Legislature, however, there are different perspectives on where the funding should come from and how much. MACD is working with legislators to find the best way forward to fund Montana’s Conservation Districts.