Collection of website trainings for conservation districts on the MACD Multisite Network.


This is a recorded presentation about Government Coordination from the Missouri River Conservation District Council.

events, outreach

A new bipartisan resolution was signed into law last year that designates the first week of April as Montana Soil Health Week and the first Wednesday in April as Montana Soil Health Day.

Document developed by Terry Profata (Sage 4 Success Nonprofit Consulting) that helps Conservation Districts with strategic organizational planning.

Soil & Water Conservation
310, gilly, webpage

FAQ and resource list for districts using Gilly, a software platform that automates the application and approval process for 310 Joint Application Permits, streamlining the process for administrators and applicants alike.

CD OperationsCommunications
contacts, coordination, database

The MCDEO created a collaborative contact spreadsheet for districts to keep updated. If you want to have a look at it for your purposes, and have any changes, you should be able to make those changes to the shared document.

This website offers practical guidelines for those looking to – and those that already do – live alongside Montana’s rivers and streams. You will find information on what to consider when buying and developing land, dealing with erosion and floods, and improving and maintaining your property.

CD Operations
documents, guide, orientation

This employee handbook, an online publication of the Montana Conservation District Employee Organization (MCDEO or EO), serves as a detailed operations guide for Montana conservation districts (CDs). It also serves as a companion to the Montana Conservation District Orientation Guide for New Employees, which is available in both printed and online versions. The orientation guide provides an overview of CD history, a Montana CD map, and a broad overview of CD operations and employee responsibilities, as well as a condensed version of some of the same information presented here.

CD OperationsMACD Internal
coordination, directory, external, jobs

The MACD Job Board is collects jobs posted by conservation districts and our partners. If you have a job posting, there is also a submission form.

CommunicationsSoil & Water Conservation
contacts, directory, map, stories

MACD's conservation district directory map. Includes basic contact information for each conservation district in Montana as well as conservation stories from across the State.

The MACD Membership Website is a private website for districts. Trainings, resources, financial reports and more are posted on the membership website. Use your normal wordpress login and password to login or contact MACD for assistance.

LegislativeMACD Internal
directory, documents, governance, resolutions

Through the resolution process, districts are able to provide the Association with direct input on natural resource topics of high interest or concern at the local, regional, state, and/or national level.

ID resources for conservation district supervisors and staff.

library, recording, webpage

Library of recorded webinars and video trainings by DNRC

CD OperationsMACD Internal
contacts, directory, pdf

PDF directory of conservation district staff, supervisors, and partners maintained by the DNRC Conservation District Bureau.

CD OperationsTrainings
documents, library, supervisors, taxes

The Conservation District Bureau's library of CD related documents/resources including: 310 permitting forms, audit and records retention, finances, CD grants, contracts, elections, law book and historic dates, meetings, personnel, procurement requirements, rental and service agreements, rolling rivers trailer documents, supervisor resources, and ten minute training documents.

documents, guide, supervisors

A Montana stream permitting guide for conservation district supervisors and staff. Maintained in 2022 by Montana DNRC.

database, map

Stream Permitting Application Database visualized in an ESRI webmapping application.

documents, landing page, website

Includes information on stream permitting as well as technical documentation for permitting. Joint application forms are also found here.

Tips and news about how Conservation Districts are using social media and technology and what new tech opportunities are available.

Soil & Water Conservation
documents, library

The EO's library of resources on Montana water reservations.

CD Operations
documents, library

Library of general CD-related operations and governance documents including the: Conservation District Law Book, Operations Audit, Personnel Policy Model, Records Retention Schedule, IRS Letter sample, standard rental agreement

CD Operations
documents, library

Sample timesheets, position descriptions, and appraisal forms for districts to use.

CD Operations
document, orientation

For those new to the office, this is a “First Week on the Job” crash course. See the Employee Handbook for a more thorough take on what we CD Employees do.

documents, library

Library of resources maintained by the EO containing the Montana Stream Permitting Guide, related legal documents, project completion form samples, and more.

CD OperationsTrainings
documents, library, supervisors

Library of resources for supervisors including the new Supervisor Manual, supervisor trainings from the EO and DNRC, Oath of Office, ID Card Request Form, Terms Tracking Sheet, Supervisor Attendance tracking.

CD Operations
documents, library

Resources for annual financial reporting, mill levies, audits and reviews, filing systems, administrator timelines/duties, grant billing/reporting/tracking, personnel management and accounting.

orientation, recording

Onboarding on various topics for new conservation district employees.


Recording of training on records retention for conservation districts.

events, leadership, recording

MACD 2022 Virtual Leadership Training Series for Conservation District Supervisors, Employees, and Partners.

CD OperationsTrainings
events, tutorial

Recordings and documents from sessions 1, 2 and 3 of the 2021 QuickBooks training for the Employee’s Organization.

events, outreach, recording, website

Various topics from the 2021 Statewide Employee Training in Red Lodge, MT.


Recordings of discussions by Montana CD employees and partners. Monthly discussions sponsored by the Montana Conservation District Employee Organization.

MACD Internal
documents, taxes

MACD's 990 tax document.

MACD Internal
documents, financial

Monthly financial statements for the Montana Association of Conservation Districts (MACD).

MACD Internal

Meeting Minutes for the MACD Board and committees.

MACD Internal
documents, governance

MACD Board Structure: This includes the strategic plan, organizational plan, bylaws, MACD Programs committee charter, Standing Committee Roles & Responsibilities, and resolutions procedures policy


MACD awards annual scholarships to students studying or planning to study natural resource issues.

outreach, worksheet

Seeking media coverage and/or planning an event? This event planning template can help to get you started.

design, tutorial, website

A growing list of resources are maintained and updated by MACD to be used and shared by the conservation districts of Montana.

coordination, events

The MACD Calendar is a searchable, community calendar of meetings, events, trainings, and funding opportunities that relate to the work of conservation districts and their partners.

Archive of District Dispatch newsletters with funding, trainings, news, and important announcements relevant to Montana's Conservation Districts.

design, google drive, library

A growing repository of logos for conservation districts, other member organizations, and partners.

design, external, photos

An archive of CD submitted images. Free to use and open to submission.

design, software, tutorial

MACD has acquired a Canva Pro subscription for districts to use. This gives all districts access to the service’s premium features. The number of users with access to these features are limited, so to circumvent this issue, MACD offers shared Canva Accounts.

external, webpage

The MACD Policy Blog provides updates about current legislative developments relative to Montana's Conservation Districts.